Haiti Bible Mission has a heart to go find men and women that tend to be overlooked by others, to help them see their potential and give them the chance to become all that God has created them to be. HBM’s vision is to empower leaders to transform communities. Mark Stockeland has always wanted these empowered and equipped leaders to run the mission and be the face to the communities.
What we do.
Whatever goals and dreams these men and women have we want to help them accomplish those. While we help them with these dreams we start a deep relationship with each one of them. Teaching them many things that will accompany them in their skilled work in the future. We want them to be great community leaders and that includes great dads and fathers, great moms and wives, we want them to be world changers in their communities, but this does not happen without discipleship and a personal investment from our HBM team. When you support our Leadership Development program you are helping do so much more then just pay for their education at school. Our discipleship program includes :
Developing Godly Character
Finding your purpose and calling
Marriage & Family
Money management and budgets
Customer service
What is your legacy
Skilled trades and honest business practices

HBM Staff

HBM Leaders-In-Training

HBM Pastors
How You Can Help
In order to empower and equip these leaders, it cost about $300 a month or $10 a day. This support goes to their monthly stipend, education and training, housing for those that need it and basic medical coverage. Whether you can commit to a month, a day or a few days, you are bringing change to these leaders which in turn impacts the communities where they serve.