February 2025 Updates

 Insecurity in Port-Au-Prince continues to grow and the violence and gang activity is pushing people to escape the city and search for hope in the countryside, even in Jeremie. The people in the photos above are two examples of that.
    Roselene and her family (Left) and Lisse (Right) were both forced out of their homes in Port-Au-Prince with no belongings except for the clothes on their backs. We are honored to be able to serve these people with the love of Christ, food and help them find shelter. Thousands continue to flee the city and many end up in Jeremie. Haiti Bible Mission strives to help any who seek aid and with your support, we will continue to do that!

We would love for you to join us at our 2025 Partners Retreat in Bonita Springs, FL! The Booking Link is now live! Don’t wait to book your rooms - the reservation cutoff is April 15th. If you have any questions or would like assistance in booking, you can reach out our office and we would be happy to help!

Barak Stockeland started the sports outreach ministry out of three passions that he has: JESUS. FOOD. SOCCER. 3 Passions Ministries is the outpouring of Barak’s heart to use soccer (and other sports) as a tool to bring young people together and tell them about Jesus and feed them a good meal.
  “In 2025, our goal is to get at least 100 Bibles and 100 soccer balls and be able to give them out as ministry tools. We also want to share Jesus with more people by including two new zones to reach with our ministry. Adding these two new zones in our ministry will help us reach many more people.

We’re also excited to add another leader, Malerlbe, to the team. He loves Jesus and shares our heart for people and soccer. I’m really thankful for my team in Haiti continuing the ministry while I’m in the US. “

-Barak Stockeland

Two years ago, Malherbe was stuck in bad habits; drinking, having multiple girlfriends, and feeling lost. At 23, he knew something had to change and that’s when he met Barak and the others from 3 Passions. They invited him to play football, and during the game, Malherbe noticed how different Barak was. It wasn’t just about football for him; Barak had a peace and purpose that Malherbe felt he was missing in his own life.

After the game, Barak and the groupshared how Jesus had changed their lives. They prayed for Malherbe, offering him a Bible and saying, “This will show you the way.” That moment had a huge impact on Malherbe. For the first time, he saw that life didn’t have to be about chasing empty pleasures.

With the support of 3 Passions, Malherbe started reading the Bible, praying, and going to church. The group helped him make better choices and showed him how to live with purpose. They weren’t just talking about faith, they were living it every day, and that inspired him. They guided him through his struggles and celebrated his growth.

Over time, Malherbe stopped his old habits. He got healthier, both physically and spiritually, and became more focused on his goals. Football was no longer just a game, it was a way to honor his faith and take care of his body.

Now, at 25, Malherbe’s life is completely different. He’s stronger, happier, and more connected to Jesus. He’s thankful for 3 Passions and how they showed him the true meaning of faith, friendship, and living with purpose. Without them, he wouldn’t be the man he is today.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for peace and for the safety of all Haitians

  • Pray for our leaders to continue to grow in wisdom and to stand firm in their faith

  • Pray for our churches and Pastors and they  deal with so much spiritual need

  • Pray that the Haitian elections are able to take place and the country can heal


March 2025 Updates


THANK YOU from Haiti Bible Mission!!